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MapLink™ Procedures | Variance

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Description Development projects in the Town need to comply with a variety of standards in the zoning regulations. Sometimes, dimensional standards, such as building setbacks from lot lines, can have the effect of prohibiting or severely restricting the use of a particular property. In those instances, a property owner can submit a variance application.
Variances are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Board of Adjustment. In determining whether to approve or deny the petitioner’s application, the Board must consider prior court precedent, state statutes, and the Town's zoning regulations. The petitioner has the burden of proof during the review process (i.e., the application and during the public hearing) to clearly demonstrate the request meets all four of the following criteria:
  1. Special circumstances are existing on the property on which the application is made related to size, shape, area, topography, surrounding conditions, and location that do not apply generally to other properties in the same area and the same zoning district.
  2. That a variance is necessary to permit the applicant the same rights in the use of this property that is presently enjoyed under the ordinance, by other properties in the vicinity and zone, but which rights are denied to the property on which the application is made.
  3. That the granting of the variance on the specific property will not adversely affect the land use pattern as outlined by the Land Use Plan and will not adversely affect any other feature of the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Prosper.
  4. That the variance, if granted, will be no material detriment to the public welfare or injury to the use, enjoyment, or value of property in the vicinity.

Decisionmaker The Board of Adjusment makes the final decision

Appeals The Board's decision can be appealed to circuit court.
Application Fee
Submittal Deadline
Application submittals and resubmittals may be submitted through the Online Application Portal (i.e. Citizen Self-Service Portal) any time during the week until 5 p.m. on Thursday. Any application submitted after 5 p.m. on Thursday will be placed on the next week's submittal list. Only the applications received by 5 p.m. on Thursday that include all required materials will proceed through the review process.
Frequently Asked Questions
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About Reviewers
The following are involved in the review of this type of application.

The Board of Adjustment is comprised of five regular members with two alternates and hears and determines appeals of administrative decisions, petitions for variances, and other matters as may be required by the Town Council or by law.

Planning staff provides technical support to the Town Council, Planning & Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustment, developers, neighbors, and other interested parties to facilitate the development review process.