A. Required parking shall be provided on the same lot as the use it is to serve.
B. All required parking spaces shall be constructed from paved concrete or another similar impervious surface if approved by the Town Council prior to construction.
C. For agricultural uses in the A District, required parking may be constructed from washed gravel, asphalt, or similar all-weather surface.
D. No required parking space, garage, carport, or other automobile storage space shall be used for the storage of any heavy load vehicle.
E. In the SF, DTSF, TH and 2F Zoning Districts, there shall be a minimum of two parking spaces located behind the front building line and enclosed in the main or an accessory building. In addition, there shall be two paved parking spaces provided behind the front property line only for the purpose of allowing on-site stacking or maneuvering to the enclosed spaces.
F. In the SF, DTSF, TH and 2F Zoning Districts, all required parking spaces shall be a minimum of nine feet wide and 20 feet long. Required enclosed parking and stacking spaces shall remain clear of any encroachments.
G. Circular driveways shall be designed to accommodate any required parking behind the front building line.
A. To prevent nuisance situations, all parking area lighting shall be designed and operated so as not to reflect or shine on adjacent properties and in accordance with the standards established in article 4, division 6 of this ordinance.
B. For safety and fire-fighting purposes, free access through to adjacent parking areas shall be provided between adjoining non-residential parcels or building sites.
C. All required parking spaces shall be constructed from paved concrete or another similar impervious surface if approved by the Town Council prior to construction. Parking spaces shall be permanently and clearly identified by stripes, buttons, tiles, curbs, barriers, or other approved methods. Non-permanent type marking, such as paint, shall be regularly maintained to ensure continuous clear identification of the space.
D. Dead-end parking aisles are not permitted. In the DTO District, where 20 or fewer off-street parking spaces are provided, a dead-end parking aisle is permitted.
E. Each head-in parking space shall be a minimum of nine feet wide and 20 feet long, exclusive of driveways and maneuvering aisles, and shall be of usable shape and condition (see Article
5, §
5.2.3, Illustrations A–G). Where it is possible for a vehicle to overhang the front of a parking space above a paved, stoned, mulched, or grassed area other than a sidewalk, street right-of-way, or adjacent property, the depth of the standard space may be reduced to 18 feet. No parking space shall overhang required landscape areas. Parallel parking spaces must be a minimum of eight feet wide and 22 feet long. Parking spaces within non-residential and multifamily structured parking garages shall be a minimum of nine feet wide and 20 feet long.
F. All parking and loading spaces and vehicle sales areas on private property shall have a vehicle stopping device installed so as to prevent parking of motor vehicles in any required landscaped areas, and to prevent any parked vehicle from overhanging a public right-of-way line, or public sidewalk. Parking shall not be permitted to encroach upon the public right-of-way in any case. All vehicle maneuvering shall take place on-site. No public right-of-way shall be used for backing or maneuvering into a parking space.
G. Refuse storage facilities placed in a parking lot shall not be located in a designated parking or loading space. Each refuse facility shall be located so as to facilitate pickup by refuse collection agencies and shall be screened according to article
4, division 5 of this Ordinance.
H. Handicap parking space(s) shall be provided according to State of Texas Program for the Elimination of Architectural Barriers and shall conform to the Americans Disability Act (ADA) of 1991, as may be amended, accessibility guidelines or the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards.
I. Parking shall be prohibited in required landscape areas and on unimproved surfaces. Institutional uses shall be exempt from this requirement.
J. (Reserved)
K. (Reserved)
L. Internal drive aisles shall be designed to incorporate 90 degree intersections. A five degree variance is allowable.
M. All parking spaces for a building must be located within 350 feet of walking distance from the building's public entrance. Big Box, Industrial, Wholesale, and Institutional uses are excluded from this provision.
N. Parking spaces that face and are adjacent to a building shall utilize curbs, wheel stops, and/or bollards.
O. Speed bumps are not permitted within a fire lane.
P. Drive aisles in front of buildings cannot be longer than 300 feet continuous without an offset equal to the width of the drive aisle, traffic circle, or other acceptable traffic-calming feature approved by the Director of Development Services or his/her designee.
Q. Restaurants shall receive a 50 percent reduction to the required parking for areas designated as outdoor dining. The reduction in parking only applies to parking spaces that are required due to the square footage of the outdoor dining area.
R. All paved areas, which includes, but is not limited to, parking areas, fire lanes, drive aisles, driveways, turn-arounds, and loading areas, shall be paved with concrete or a comparable surface (masonry pavers, stone, brick, etc.), constructed to standards approved by the Director of Development Services or his/her designee. Pervious concrete or other alternative permeable paving surfaces may be used if approved by the Town Council. The use of asphalt, gravel, and crushed rock are strictly prohibited, unless approved as a temporary paving surface by the Director of Development Services or his/her designee. (Z10-0007)
S. Cart returns shall be constructed of ornamental metal and be permanently affixed to pavement.
T. For industrial, wholesale, and institutional uses, no more than ten percent of the required parking can be located in the service/loading area of a building except for buildings located on the street.
U. Multifamily parking shall be in a structured garage that is wrapped by the residential units or cladded to match the exterior of the attached residential units, as described in Article
2, Division
13, § 2.13.2H. Any surface parking associated with a Multifamily development for leasing area, guest parking, retail uses, etc. is only allowed between the building and a public street when located at or beyond the required landscape setback and screened with a headlight screen of earthen berms and/or a row of shrubs.
V. Multifamily access to a public street in a single-family neighborhood will be limited access and will not function as a primary access point for the complex. Access to single-family alleys is prohibited. Direct or indirect access to a median opening where located on divided thoroughfare is required.
W. Drive aisles within multifamily developments cannot be longer than 500 feet continuous without an offset equal to the width of the drive aisle, traffic circle, or other acceptable traffic-calming feature approved by the Director of Development Services or his/her designee.